Community & Interagency Links


○ Students are introduced to the University. Students take part in the Multi-media Programme.

○ Attend the annual Sports Day.

○Represents St. John's on the Maths programme/Quiz.

○St. John's also linked to the Diploma in inclusive Education.

Northwest Area Partnership:

○ St. John's represented on education working group.

Young People At Risk (YPAR):

○ St. John's is represented on the Children & Youth Mental Wellbeing Working Group and the Managers Mental Health Working Group.

Botanic Gardens:

○ Students take part in the 'Introduction to Horticulture' Programme.

Glasnevin National Cemetery:

○ Students have access to Historical tours relevant to JCT.


Students learn about robotics and coding through the Learnit LEGO® Robotics Introductory Course. Learnit inspires the creators of tomorrow by making learning fun today, helping young people explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) in fun and innovative ways.